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Transatlantique - Shirley Jaffe

Edited by Frédéric Paul


Contributors :

Polly Apfelbaum . Pierre Buraglio . Alain Clément . Shirley Kaneda . 

Robert Kushner . Marielle Paul . Hugo Pernet . Bernard Piffaretti . Fiona Rae.


Translator : Catherine Vasseur and John Tittensor


At the invitation of Frédéric Paul, nine artists from both sides of the Atlantic cast an eye on the work of American artist Shirley Jaffe (1923–2016). A French resident since 1949, Jaffe belongs to the second generation of abstract expressionists. A stay in Berlin in the early 1960s marked her move away from gestural painting. From then on, her work invested a rich repertoire of colored abstract forms, fueled by the visual complexity of the urban.


Book design : Catherine Barluet and Jean François Maurige

164 pages * 10 x 19 cm * Softcover

Bilingual edition (English / French)

​ISBN 978-2-493808-00-4

$ 24.00


 Release, February 2022

Transatlantique S. Jaffe couv..JPG

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website design by Tristan Schalit

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